Thursday, February 5, 2009

Trip to San Diego

Tol and I went to San Diego one week before Christmas. He had a Athletic Director Conference he had to attend and I tagged along.
My brother lives there. So we met up with him and headed for Old Town for some authentic Mexican food.

Since Tol was in conferences most of the day on Sunday I called up Craig and we went to the Midway Museum. 

This is where I really wanted to be... a cruise... someday!

Inside the Midway...

Just outside the Midway there is this amazing statue of a sailor and his girl. It's pretty cool!

Tol and I were excited to get away from the clouds in Boise. But it rained 2 out of the 4 days we were in San Diego!

Isn't it called Sunny California?

Despite the rain, we still had a wonderful time!

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