Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

It's not a Halloween without carving pumpkins. We carved pumpkins the night before Halloween. Taylor and and Brayden did their own.

OK, Dad had to step in a couple of times for the trickier angles.

Are you having fun, boys?

Brayden was very proud of his carving job. Spooky!

And here they are...Tol-Moon and Bat, Taylor-3 Ghosts, Brayden-the Grim Reaper 

Parker and I opted for the Mr. Potato Head look. Hey, someone had to bake the pumpkin seeds, clean up, and take photos! :)

The next day...

Mr. Clean and a friendly witch stopped by.

We had my Mom and Dad and brother and his family over for a whole array of spooky food, like; Peter Pumpkin Eater Pie (pizza), Bones and Blood dip (breadsticks and pizza sauce), Snake eggs (grapes), Ghoulish Greens (green salad) w/ frog juice (ranch dressing dyed green), Monster Brains (guacamole), Eyeballs (mini donuts to look like eyeballs), and a witch's brew!
Tol had to work at a Timberline Football game that night, but he took a quick minute to take a quick family photo. I took the boys out trick or treating while the witch and Mr. Clean handed candy out. I told Mr. Clean he could practice what he's good at and clean up my house while he was there...he said he was retired! It was worth a shot. We finished our night sorting candy while watching, "Monster House".

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